Queen of pentacles reversed
Daily Tarot Reading

Tarot card of the day 3rd November 2020

Queen of pentacles reversed

The daily tarot card for 3rd November 2020 is the reversed queen of pentacles. Greed!

The queen of pentacles reversed suggests some irresponsibility, a lack of common sense. There could be a fear of failure and a lot of self doubt. The queen warns against selfishness and greed.

The 3rd November tarot card, the queen of pentacles reversed is bringing us back down to Earth. The cards have told of good business and good fortune recently. Here though the reversed queen is reminding us to not allow greed to take hold. We may be having fears and self doubt leading to insecurity. The queen counsels us to steer away from these feelings and not allow them to hinder our progress.

The court cards can often represent people in our lives. The queen of pentacles reversed can represent an insecure or unstable woman. A selfish depressive or moody individual insecure in her own abilities. This could be a bully, someone that tears down others to cover their own sense of failure. If this person holds a position of power be wary of them today.

Personal Reflections

At first when I read this card my heart fell. The positive news of the past few days seem to have suddenly fallen to a warning of greed and foolishness with money. This website is likely to be monetised in the next few days and I need to balance income with reader experience. No one wants to read a website simply crawling with advertisements. Therefore the queen could be counselling me to err on the side of caution. After all the primary goal of this site is to bring tarot to everyone.

I then read November 3rd’s tarot card in terms of it representing a person. There is a person in my life that this rings bells for. They are loud warning bells and so I may need to avoid this person for the next few days.

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November 3rd tarot card of the day

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