Daily Tarot Reading

Tarot card of the day 4th November 2020

Queen of pentacles reversed

The daily tarot card for 4th November 2020 is the seven of swords, stealth.

The seven of swords is the card of guile, cunning and trickery. This dragon is escaping, he is getting away with something. It appears as though this dragon is stealing the swords and making a run for it. He has used cunning and deceit to get his own way. But things are not always as they seem. It could be that this new dragon is stealing away for a fresh start. A new beginning in a new place.

The 4th November tarot card, the seven of swords, at face value counsels that trying to get away with something may lead to you being found out. If you are being deliberately evasive or sneaky, this may lead to trouble ahead. Don’t forget that sometimes we need to use guile and cunning for good ends but be wary of how it may make you look. The seven of swords can also indicate a fresh start. Perhaps this is a move or a new job. You may feel that you need to use underhand tactics for the greater good. A battle of wits may be coming, be careful what you say and to whom.

Personal Reflections

I don’t think I’m involved in anything sneaky or underhanded but I’m intrigued by this. The card also warns of others who may be the deceitful ones so I will be especially wary on this day. There is no secret that I would like to make a living blogging and on YouTube so that is the fresh start that I would like, but that is a long way off. The 4th of November will be a pivotal day for me so I will be carefully watching what I say, to whom I say it and I will be mindful of others’ intentions.

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The Dragon Tarot deck https://amzn.to/2HBa7e9 is a gorgeous spin on a traditional deck by Peter Pracownik. When I read from this deck, there are no reversed cards as dragons do not stand on their heads.

Check out my YouTube channel for more tarot readings. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Pj0Q3mtN5TWDr9c95nEWg

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4th November tarot card of the day 7 of swords

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