Daily Tarot Reading

Daily tarot card reading 11th November 2020

Six of wands

The daily tarot card reading for 11th November 2020 is the six of wands, victory.

The six of wands shows a majestic dragon swooping through a giant V for victory. Heralded by a fanfare and his path lit by torches they have reached their goal. The treasure is theirs and they are ready to reap the rewards.

The 11th November daily tarot card reading, the six of wands, is about achievement. An ambition has been realised and a goal has been reached. It can symbolise public recognition or a promotion. A reward for our efforts and our hard work.

You may be likely to receive acclaim for the success of a project. This may be public acclaim or it could be a sense of self satisfaction. This is a card of triumph and victory, look for the good news.

Personal Reflections

What a perfect card to draw for the 11th of November. The day that we celebrate the end of wars and remember our fallen heroes. It is a day of sadness and yet a celebration of victory. There are also personal victories to be gained. One of my YouTube videos has almost 1000 views. This will be my first video to reach this goal, hopefully the first of many. You can find that video at https://tarot.mrellaway.com/daily/031120/

The following text contains affiliate links, These are links to external sites giving me a small commission on any purchase you make at no cost to you.

The Dragon Tarot deck https://amzn.to/2HBa7e9 is a gorgeous spin on a traditional deck by Peter Pracownik. When I read from this deck, there are no reversed cards as dragons do not stand on their heads.

Check out my YouTube channel for more tarot readings. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Pj0Q3mtN5TWDr9c95nEWg

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